HW100: The NHS at 70
Experiences of the NHS in Trafford over the last 70 years and suggestions for the future.
About this report
In the summer of 2018, the National Health Service in Trafford celebrated it's 70th birthday. To make the occasion we asked people in borough what they thought about what the NHS had done for them in those years, and what they would like to see change in the coming years.
Key findings
- 28% said that the NHS had helped them with the birth of their children or helped look after them.
- 27% said that the NHS had always been there for them or their family.
- 12% said the NHS had saved their life.
- A third want to see waiting times for services reduced, particularly for their GP (33%).
- 18% want services borough back to Trafford General Hospital.
- One in five feel the NHS should be better funded, particularly to pay for more staff.
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The NHS at 70