How we help you
Healthwatch is your health and social care champion.
If you use health services or need care, we want to hear about your experiences. We have the power to make sure NHS and social care leaders listen to your feedback and improve standards of care. We can also help you to find reliable and trustworthy information and advice.
Wherever you live in England, you’ll also have a local Healthwatch nearby. Last year, we helped over one and half million people like you to have your say and get the support you need.

Find advice and information
Find out about more about how we can help you access the support you need to live well.
Tell your story
Tell us your experience of health and social care services and help make care better.

Find out more about our Board.

Meet our staff and volunteers
Who delivers our service?
Healthwatch Trafford is delivered by Healthwatch Trafford Ltd.
Healthwatch Trafford is registered in England as a Company limited by guarantee and registered in England & Wales.
Healthwatch Trafford, 12-14 Shaw's Road, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA14 1QU (Please note this is a postal address only)
Registered company number 08466421