Healthwatch 100: Autumn Winter survey 2022
To mark the end of 2022, we wanted to launch a survey and hear from local people about health and care in the borough, to act as a snapshot of the situation after another challenging year. We were interested in finding out how much things had changed and what remained an ongoing concern for residents.
The survey was opened in September 2022 and closed in November 2022. As well as promoting the survey online, we also engaged with several local community groups through November and December to get their insight.
We want to thank all the members of the public that took part, as well as our volunteers who assisted in the review stage of the project.
What did we do?
The survey was opened in September 2022 and closed in November 2022. It was sent out to our Healthwatch 100 subscriber list, promoted on our website, and shared across social media. We also visited local groups during this time and promoted the survey there.
Key findings
The feedback we received was sorted into five main categories:
- GP practices
- Mixed services
- Hospitals
- Dentistry
- General (non-specific) comments
People across all categories were concerned about waiting times for and access to care. People were especially worried about digital access and felt excluded by small appointment booking windows.
The survey findings reflected the wider discussion about health and social care happening in the media, with GP appointments and hospital beds featuring in people’s feedback.
Who did we speak to?
Highlights from the responses
Most people mentioned GP services (36%) with the next most mentioned areas being hospital outpatients’ appointments (12%); dentists (12%); and pharmacies (11%).
We often hear more about GP services than other areas. In recent years this has been closely followed by dentistry.
Key topics highlighted were:
- AskMyGP
- GP appointment times
- Good quality care
- Young people's mental health support
- General waiting times
- Ambulances
- Long COVID support
- Administrative issues
- Hospital admission and discharge
- Lack of dental care
- Social care difficulties
Here are selected comments from Trafford residents:
- ““I have tried to use the Ask My GP service on a few occasions but all too often have been presented with a message saying the are not taking anymore questions that day. Whilst I accept there might have to be a cut-off at sometime, I am being presented with the message at 08:30 when the Ask My GP service only opened at 08:00."
- "I need nonverbal communication as well as spoken I struggle to form and absorb words whilst on phone."
- "7 months wait for important surgery to remove cancer from face. Extremely stressful waiting and watching the cancer grow."
- "My husband was told the [ambulance] would be 12 hours wait, he was having stroke [symptoms] even the 111 doc said […]. Over the next 3 days he was [resuscitated] twice. He is a [veteran] he fought for this country and I was a nurse for many yrs."
However, the picture is not all bad- many people shared comments about the successes they’ve had in partnership with care staff and applauded the hard work of health and social care professionals at a really challenging time.
“…. I would like to thank the health professionals that I have been in contact, I just wish there was more investment and training to ensure that all services were able to function and meet the needs of the residents.”
Closing comments
This survey was conducted to check in on the state of health and care for people living in the local area. We noted the rise in discussion of these topics nationally, particularly around access and waiting times, and wanted to see if this would be reflected in the feedback from Trafford residents.
We found concern about GP access to be one of the most important issues to local people. In particular, patients felt excluded by limited appointment booking windows and struggled to access appointments. We also heard many positive comments about GP practices from patients who were satisfied with their care. It is worth noting that we do not always receive the names or locations of practices and so our findings cannot be said to reflect the situation at every site.
Hospital waiting times were a key issue for several respondents. While we received some general comments about this, we also received a small number of more detailed stories that expand on the patient journey and where things might improve.
There are many challenges facing health and social care at this time and our survey provides a useful snapshot of the situation at present and helps us understand where our work might be most needed.
Thank you to all those that took the time to share their thoughts and experiences with us.
Download the full report including statistics below. If you require this in an alternative format, please get in touch.