We visited Claremont care home and spoke to staff and residents about the care and service they offer. This report contains out findings and the recommendations we sent to the home following our visit.
We visited Manchester Royal Infirmary to talk to patients and staff about the care and service offered at the hospital. This report contains our findings and the recommendations for improvement we sent them following our visit.
We visited Beverley Park nursing home and spoke to staff and residents about the care and service they offer. This report contains our findings from the day and the recommendations we sent to the home following our visit.
We visited Davyhulme medical centre to speak to staff and patients about the care and service the practice provides. This report contains our findings from the visit and any recommendations we sent to the practice following our visit.
We visited Trafford General Hospital AMU ward to talk to patients and staff about the care and service the ward offered. This report contains our findings and the recommendations we put to the hospital following our visit.
We visited Newhaven extra care facility to talk to residents and staff about the care and service the home offers. This report contains our findings from the visit.