The NHS faces a growing demand for its services. More people have long-term conditions for which they need ongoing support. Illnesses linked to inequality and to lifestyle choices are also adding to the pressure on the NHS.
Members of Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust have a vital role, through their elected representatives (Governors), in helping to influence decisions and shape the future development of our services.
The NHS has today launched a call for views on how targeted amendments to the law could help local and national health organisations work together more effectively to improve services for patients.
We visited Haylands residential home for gentleman to talk to staff and residents and observe the practices for a day. This report contains our findings and recommendations we put to the service for improvements.
Saddleworth resident, Gen Buckley, who lost her father and brother early to bowel cancer, is urging Greater Manchester citizens to support new health research by sharing their ideas about saving lives from cancer.
Health issues unfortunately don't leave us alone at the weekend and people are often in need of medical assistance out of hours. Using NHS guidelines, we have provided some advice and information on where you can go for help when your GP is closed.
The Greater Manchester vision is to make our city region one of the best places in the world. A place where everyone can have the best start in life, live well and age well.